Please read carefully...
The Lifestyles Czech Republic/Slovakia website and the materials and products you found on this site are provided for informational purposes only. The information contained in this website applies only to the Czech Republic/Slovakia and the Distributors of that local market.
Income Disclaimer:
A typical Distributor in the Czech Republic/Slovakia who has been in our business for over one year and has purchased more than KC 4 400 of product has an earning range of KC 8 780 to KC 44 000 per year. However, approximately 17% of these Distributors earn between KC 66 000 and KC 198 000 per year, and almost 8% earn between KC 220 000 and KC 440 000 per year.
Medical Disclaimer:
The information contained on this site is not intended as medical advice, but is solely for educational purposes. Please do not use this information to diagnose, treat, or prescribe, nor use it to replace the services of a trained health professional as that is not its intent. Before beginning any new diet, exercise or other health program, you should consult a qualified health professional. Results may vary from person to person.
Not all products are available in every country. Contact your local Lifestyles office for details. Ingredient listings may vary by country. Please see product label for a complete listing.